In a shameless (and perhaps geeky cheesy) nod to Valentines Day, we are declaring February as our “Fall In Love With CAST Tech High School Month.” As you may recall, we partnered with H-E-B and SAISD at our June 2016 Summer Rally to announce the creation of a new in-district charter high school focused on technology and entrepreneurship in downtown San Antonio called CAST Tech. This new school will empower kids with access to tech training and careers, and help transform our emerging downtown SA tech district. In November of 2016, we launched the Tech-Bloc-4-Tech-Ed Foundation and the $10-4-Tech industry fundraising campaign ( The school is now open for applications, and will open in the Fall of 2017 (this year!).

This February, we will host a series of CAST Tech focused events, and we hope you will take time to engage and help us build and support this important new educational resource for our industry. Some of our events include:

February 7th, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m, Tech2sDay Monthly Meet-Up: We will introduce you to the newly-hired, CAST Tech founding school principal Kelly Flieger and give you plenty of details on what to expect from this new school.

February 23rd, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m., Friends of CAST Tech Information Session: We will host a beer-and-pizza information session and call for tech industry school mentors and related volunteers. Principal Kelly Flieger and team will join us to provide all of the details you need to get involved.

Tech Execs Breakfast to Support CAST Tech (date TBD): Hosted by Graham Weston and Lew Moorman, we will gather some of our area tech CEOs and execs to meet school principal Kelly Flieger, and enlist support for the high school. If you or a colleague would like to be added to the invite list, please email

$10-4-Tech Fundraising Month: We will be sending weekly emails and outreach throughout February to remind all of our members and tech industry workers to donate a minimum of $10 to help with the construction and support of the new school.

Thank you in advance for your interest, energy, and involvement in building and supporting CAST Tech High School. Let’s all fall in love!

–David Heard (Founder and Volunteer CEO)